N-Pollution C-Tom Lehrer A- T- S-100 K-G B-2/2 F- H- M-4G-4 b-8 d-8_d-8 d-4 d-8 c-8 c-8 b-4 a-8 D-5 F-8 a-4 c-8_c-8 e-5 e-8 d-4 b-8_b-8 G-5 L- If you vi- sit A- me- ri- can ci- ty, You will find it ve- ry pret- ty. H- chorus: M-4G-4 b-8 d-8_d-8 g-8 f-8 g-8 h-4 g-8 e-8_e-4 R-4 d-4 d-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 c-8_c-8 c-4 F-8 G-4 G-4 L- Just two things of which you must be- ware, Don't drink the wa-ter and don't breathe the air! Pol- H- M-4g-5 e-8_e-4 g-4 f-5 d-8_d-8 f-8 f-4 e-4 e-4 e-8 c-8 e-4 d#2 R-2 L- lu- tion, pol- lu- tion, They got smog and se- wage and mud. H- M-4R-4 e-4 d-4 c-4 b-5 G-8_G-4 b-4 c-8 c-4 c-8_c-8 b-8 a-4 G-4 R-4 R-2 L- Turn on your tap and get hot and cold run- ning crud. H- M-0 L-