Digital Tradition Mirror

Abdul El Bulbul, Emir!

Abdul El Bulbul, Emir!

In the harems of Egypt it's good to behold
The fairest of harlots appear,
But the fairest, a Greek
Was owned by a sheik!
Named Abdul el Bulbul Emir!

A traveling brothel came into the town
Run by a pimp from afar
Whose great reputation
Had traveled the nation:
'Twas Ivan Skidavitsky Skavar!

Abdul the Bulbul arrived with his bride
A prize whose eyes shone like a star
He claimed he could prong
More cunts with his dong
Than Ivan Skidavitsky Skavar!

A day was arranged for the spectacle great;
A visit was planned by the Czar!
And the curbs were all lined
With harlots reclined
n honour of Ivan Skavar!

They met on the track with their tools hanging slack
Dressed only in shoes and a leer,
Both were fast on the rise
But folks gasped at the size
Of Abdul el Bulbul Emir!

The cunts were all shorn, and no rubbers adorned
The prongs of the pimp and the peer,
But the pimp's steady stroke
Soon left without hope
The chance of the Bulbul Emir!

They worked thru the night til the dawn's early light
The clamor was heard from afar
The multitudes came
To applaud the ball game
Of Abdul and Ivan Skavar!

When Ivan had finished, he turned to the Greek,
And laughed when she shivered in fear
She swallowed his pride,
He buggered the bride
Of Abdul el Bulbul, Emir!

When Ivan was done, and was wiping his gun,
He bent down to polish his gear;
He felt, up his ass,
A  hard pecker pass;
'Twas Abdul el Bulbul, Emir!

The crowd loudly howled that it was a foul,
They were ordered to part, by the Czar,
But fast they were jammed;
The pecker was crammed
In Ivan Skidavitsky Skavar!

Now, the cream of the joke, when apart they were broke
Was laughed at for years by the Czar:
For Abdul the Bulbul
Left most of his tool
In Ivan Skidavitsky Skavar!

The fair Grecian maiden a sad vigil keeps
With a husband whose tastes have turned queer...
She longs for the dong
That once did belong
To Abdul el Bulbul, Emir!


Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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