Alteh Buck I'm an alteh buck I'm an old buck Foon old Kentuck From old Kentuck Uhn ich triypst tsu town And I drive to town Lookin' like a schmuck (schmuck is vulgar for stupid jerk literally, "penis") Oy, ich triypst arum Oh, I traipse around Ahf a fehrdteleh On a little horse Ich hob der ganseh veldt I regard the whole world In d'rehrdtelleh [as belonging] in hell (if not in "hell", at least dead & buried - "in the earth") Yippee ay oh kiyay Oy, Yippee ay oh kiyay [The word for horse, "fehrdt" and the word for hell, "d'rehrdt" (the earth), are both in the grammatical form, "affectionate-diminutive"] tune: I'm an Old Cowhand From Ray Sinick, riding instructor at the Fallsview Lodge and Evergreen Manor (bygone), Ellenville, NY JK
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!