Digital Tradition Mirror

The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington

The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington

There was a youth and a well belov-ed youth
And he was the Squire's son.
He loved the bailiff's daughter dear
That lived in Islington.

But she was coy and would not believe
That he did love her so,
Nor would she at any time
Any countenance to him show.

And when his friends did understand
His fond and foolish pride
They sent him up to far London
An apprentice for to bind.

Seven long years went rolling by
And ne'er did his true love see.
Many a tear have I shed for her sake
When little she thought of me.

The maids of Islington went forth
Went forth to sport and play,
All but the bailiff's daughter dear.
She secretly stole away.

And as she went along the road,
The weather being hot and dry,
She sat down on a shady bank.
Her true love eame riding by.

She sprang up with color so bright
And seized his bridle rein,
"One penny, one penny, kind sir," she said,
"Twould ease me of mueh pain."

"Before I give you a penny, sweetheart,
Pray tell me where you were born."
"At Islington, kind sir," said she,
"Where I have had many a scorn."

"Before I give you a penny, sweetheart,
Pray tell me whether you know
The bailiff's daughter of Islington"
"She's dead, sir, long ago."

"If she be dead, then take my horse,
My saddle and bridle also,
And I will go to some far land
Where no one me shall know."

"Oh, stay, oh, stay, you goodly youth,
She's standing by your side.
She is not dead but alive and well
And ready to be your bride."

"Depart sorrow and welcome joy,
Many thousand times and more,
For now I have my own true love
Whom I thought I would see no more "

Recorded by Mike Seeger, Richard Dyer-Bennet, Andrew Rowan
Child #105
play.exe BAILDAUG.2

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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