The Boys of Wexford (3) (Robert Dwyer Joyce) In comes the captain's daughter, the captain of the Yeos, Saying; ""Brave United Irish men, We'll ne'er again be foes. A thousand pounds I'll bring, If you will fly from home with me, And dress myself in man's attire, and fight for liberty."" cho: We are the boys of Wexford, who fought with heart and hand, To burst in twain the galling chain, and free our native land. "I want no gold, my maiden fair, to fly from home with thee; Your shining eyes will be my prize - more dear than gold to me. I want no gold to nerve my arm, to do a true man's part, To free my native land I'd gladly give the red drops of my heart." And when we left our cabins, boys, we left with right good will, To see our friends and neighbours that were at Vinegar Hill! A young man from our Irish ranks, a cannon he let go; He slapt it into Lord Mountjoy - a tyrant he laid low! We bravely fought and conquered at Ross and Wexford town; Three Bullet Gate for years to come will speak for our renown; Through Walpole's horse and Walpole's foot on Tubberneering's day, Depending on the long, bright pike, we cut our gory way. And Oulart's name shall be their shame, who still we ne'er did fear, For every man could do his part like Forth and Shelmalier! And if for want of leaders, we lost at Vinegar Hill, We're ready for another fight, and love our country still! SOURCE: SONGS OF THE IRISH REPUBLIC, Jan 1972. XX OCT98
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!