Digital Tradition Mirror

The British Light Infantry

The British Light Infantry

For battle prepared in their country's just cause
Their king to avenge and support all his laws,
     Taleo, taleo, taleo, taleo
As fierce as the tiger, as swift as the roe,
The British Light Infantry rush on their foe,
     Taleo, taleo, taleo, taleo
     Taleo taleo taleo.

Though rebels unnumbered oppose their career
Their hearts are undaunted; they're strangers to fear;
No obstacles hinder, resistless they go
And death and destruction attend every blow.

The alarm of the drum and the cannon's loud roar,
The musket's quick flash, but inflames them the more.
No dangers appall, for they fear no control
But glory and conquest inspires every soul.

Whenever their foe stands arranged in their sight
With ardor impatient they pant for the fight
Rout, havoc confusion they spread through the field
And rebellion and treason are corced to yield.

From Songbook of the American Revolution, Rabson
tune: Black Sloven

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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