Mother, is the Battle Over? (2) "Mother, is the battle over? THousands have been slain, they say. Is my father come? and tell me Has the army gained the day?" "Is he well or is he wounded? Mother, do you think he's slain? If he is, pray will you tell me Will my father come again?" "Mother, I see you always sighing Since that paper last you read; Tell me why you are crying: Is my dearest father dead?" "Yes, my boy, your noble father Is one numbered with the slain; Though he loves me very dearly Ne'er on earth we'll meet again." "Fighting for the glorious Union Like a hero he is slain; Still the day may not be distant When in heaven we'll meet again." From Folk Songs of the South, Cox Note: equally popular in the North and (without the last verse) the South. SOF oct99
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!