The Collier's Rant 1. As me and me marra was gannin' to wark, We met wi' the devil, it was in the dark, I up wi' me pick, it bein' in the neet, And knocked off his horns, likewise his club feet! cho: Follow the horses, Johnny me laddie! Follow them through, me canny lad o Follow the horses, Johnny me laddie, Hey, lad, lie away, me canny lad o. 2. As me and me marra was puttin' the tram, The lowe it went oot and me marra went wrang, Ye wad ha' laughed if you'd seen the gam - Old Nick gat me marra, but I gat the tram! 3. O marra, O marra, what dost thou think? I've broken me bottle and spilt a' me drink I've lost all me shin splints amang the great stanes - Draw me to the shaft, lad, it's time to gan hyem! 4. O marra, O marra, this is wor pay week, We'll get penny loaves and drink to our beek, And we'll fill up our bumper and roond it shall go, Follow the horses, Johnnie lad O! 5. Here is me horse and there is me tram, Twee horns full o' grease will myek her to gang There is me hoggers, likewise me half-shoon: And smash me heart, marra, me puttin's a' done! - in Lloyd Come All Ye Bold Miners and coll. also by MacColl, and Ritson; sung by massed bands of miners on the day the pits were nationalized in 1947. JB
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!