Digital Tradition Mirror

Come Write Me Down

Come Write Me Down

Come write me down, ye powers above
The man that first created love
For I've a diamond in my eye
Wherein all my joys and comforts lie
Wherein all my joys and comforts lie.

I will give you gold, I will give you pearl
If you can fancy me, my girl
Rich costly robes that you shall wear
If you can fancy me, my dear
If you can fancy me, my dear.

It's not your gold shall me entice
To leave off pleasures to be a wife
For I don't mean or intend at all
To be at any young man's call...

Then go your way, you scornful dame
Since you've proved false, I'll prove the same
For I don't care, but I shall find
Some other fair maid to my mind...

Oh, stay, young man, don't be in haste
You seem afraid your time will waste
Let reason rule your roving mind
And unto you I will prove kind...

So to church they went the very next day
And were married by asking, as I've heard say
So now that girl she is his wife
She will prove his comforts day and night...

So now his trouble and sorrow is past
His joy and comfort has come at last
That girl to him always said nay
She will prove his comforts night and day....

From the Copper Family Song Book

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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