Erin's Flowery Vale One evening fair when Venus bright her radiant beams displayed, And Flora in her verdant gale those fragrant hills arrayed, As I did rove through out each grove, no cares did me assail, Till a pair I spied by a river side on Erin's flow'ry vale. As I sat down for to behold, beneath a spreading tree, And the liquid streams around me rolled, conveyed those words to me "Adieu, fair maid," the youth he said. "Tomorrow I set sail. I'll bid adieu to love and you, and Erin's flowery vale." "O youth, forbear," the maiden said. "That brings a treble dart, And hurries me to sad surprise and wounds my bleeding heart! It's here alone to sigh and moan, my trouble to bewail It's here lament, my grief to vent on Erin's flowery vale." "It's hard to part with you, my love, but then I must away, For Freedom calls me! At demand, her ties I must obey On foreign isles where fortune smiles, and waft' by many's the gale; Then I'II come home, no more to roam from Erin's flowery vale." I greatly fear," thc maiden says, "that I must part with you. Young men are false, I know, alas, and seldom does prove true; And when you reach Columbia's shore some pretty maid you'll see. You'll soon forget the home you left and the vows you made to me." "Oh, now l'm goin' to sail away and leave my love behind, And there's not a breeze of wind that blows but'll bring her to my mind There's not a flower nor a shady bower that grows o'er hill or dale, But'll me remind of that girl behind on Erin's flowery vale." "Now, there's many's the youth has left his home to sail for Freedom's shore That lies beneath the ocean deep where the foaming billows roar. My advice you take--don't me forsake nor leave me to bewail, But here remain with your fond dame on Erin's flowery vale!" Those youthful loves together drew, all in one fond embrace, And the tears like purling drops of dew did trickle down each face She strove in vain him to detain. "My love!" He bid her adieu. Then I withdrew from Erin's flowery vale. From Shantymen and Shanty Boys, Doerflinger DT #484 Laws O29 RG oct96
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!