Fanny Blair Come all you young men and maidens whereever you may be Beware of false swearing and sad perjury For it is by a false woman I am wounded so soon And you see how I am cut down in the height of my bloom. It was last Monday morning I lay in my bed A young friend came to me and unto me said Rise up Dennis Higgins and flee you elsewhere For they're now down against you for the young Fanny Blair. Fanny Blair is a girl of eleven years old And if I was a-dying the truth I'd unfold It's I never had dealings with her in my time And it's I have to die for another man's crime On the day of the trial squire Vernon was there And it's on the green table he handed Fanny Blair And the oath that she swore I am ashamed to tell And the judge spoke up quickly you have told it well Dennis Higgins of Branfield whither art thou flown That you are a poor prisoner condemned and alone If John O'Neil of Shane's Castle only was here In spite of (Dawson) n'er known he'd soon set you clear On the day that young Higgins was condemned to die The people rose up with a murmuring cry Go catch her and crop her she's a perjuring whore Young Dennis is innocent we are very sure One thing yet remaining I ask you my friends To wake me in Branfield amongst my dear friends Bring my body to lie in Merrylee mold And I hope that great God will pardon my soul From Songs the Whalemen Sang, Huntington Collected from the journal of the Java, 1839 RG
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!