The Feeing Time As I went down to Glesca Seekin' for a fee, Among the rousty fairmers My hairt it did agree. cho: Wi' my mush 'n' tush 'n' turridy ush, My mush 'n' turridy ee. An auld rousty fairmer Cam' steppin' up to mr; He says, "My decent chappie, Are ye seekin' For a fee?" They used to keep the servant maids For gi'in' the men their grub; And instead o' gi'in it tae the men They gi'ed tae the collie dog. When I gaed tae the stable There's naethin' there at a', The auld grey mare lay on her side The black yen stood gain' the wa'. Noo, Bessy was a black mare, They maist are a' the same; The only time that she wad wark 'Twas when her comin' hame. But the term-time's comin' on I dinna gie a damn; Surc, I'll bundle up my auld bit rags And gang the road I cam' From Travellers' Songs, MacColl & Seeger Collected from John MacDonald RG apr96
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!