Felix the Soldier They took away my brogues and they robbed me of my spade They put me in the army and a soldier of me made But I couldn't beat a drum and I couldn't play a flute So they handed me a musket and they taught me how to shoot. But the Injuns they were sly, And the Frenchies they were coy, So they shot off the left leg Of this poor Irish boy. We had a bloody fight After we had scaled the wall, And the divil a bit of mercy Did the Frenchies show at all. Then they put me on a ship, And they sent me home again, With all my army training, After battle's strife and din. They headed for the Downs, And we landed at the quay, My mother came to meet me, And these words to me did say, "O Felix, are you drunk, Or Felix are you mad? And whatever has become Of the two legs you had!" I will bid my spade adieu, For I cannot dig the bog, But I still can play the fiddle, And I still can drink my grog. I have learned to smoke a pipe And I've learned to fire a gun, To the divil with the fighting, I am glad the war is done. From Traditional American Folk Songs, Warner and Warner Collected from Lena Bourne Fish RG
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!