The Queer Folk I' the Shaws I thocht unto mysel ae day, I'd like to see a race, For mony ither lads like me had been at sic a place. Sae up I got an' wash'd mysel, put on my Sunday braws, An wi' a stick into my han' I danderd to the Shaws, cho: Singin' tol de rol de riddle lol, tol de rol de ri-do Tol de rol de riddle lol, tol de rol de ri-do My mother richtly counsel'd me before that I gid out To tak guid care an my e'e wi what I wis aboot Said she, " Ye may be trod to death beneath the horses' paws An mind my lad the sain's true: 'There's queer folk i' the Shaws.'" The races pleased me unco weel gosh they were gran to sce The horses ran sae afu I thocht they maist did flee man When they came near the winnin post O siccan loud huzzas Ye wid hae thocht they'd a gaen wud the queer folk i the Shaws. A bonnie lass cam up to me an ask't me for a gill Quoth I, "If that's the fashion here I mauna tak it ill." She will'd me our intill a tent an half a mutchin ca's Thinks I, " My lass I see it's true there's queer folk i the Shaws." The whiskey made my love to bleeze I fand in perfect bliss So I grip't the lassie round the neck to tak a wee bit kiss When in a crack she lifts her neive an bangs it in my jaws Says I, "My dear what means a' this, there's queer folk i the Shaws." A strapin chiel came up tlome an took awa my lass Misca'd me for a country loon, a silly stupid ass, Said I, "If I've done ony ill jist lat me ken the cause," He made his fit spin aff my hip, there's queer folk i the Shaws. Aroused at last I drew my fist an gid him on the lug Tho sairly I wis worried for't by his muckle collie dog He bit my airms he bit my legs tore a my Sunday braws An in the row I lost my watch; there's queer folk i the Shaws. A policeman he cam up to me an hauled me aff to quod They put the twines aboot my wrists an thump't me on the road They gart me pay a good pound note e'er I got oot their claws Catch me again when I'm te'en in by the queer folk i the Shaws. From Grieg-Dincan Collection RG
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!