Fuller and Warren Ye sons of Columbia, your attention I do crave While a sorrowful ditty I will tell Which happened of late in the Indiana state Of a hero that none could excel. Like Samson he courted the choice of the fair And intended to make her his wife, When like Delilah fair she his heart did ensnare And it cost him his honor and his life. A gold ring he gave her as a token of true love, And the flower was the image of a dove. They mutually agreed to be married in speed, And were promised by the powers above. But this fickle-minded maid had promised to wed Young Warren, a liver in the place. With hearts full of woe and with sad overthrow It ended in shame and disgrace. When Fuller came to know he was deprived of his dear Which he'd promised by the powers to wed, With his heart full of woe straight to Warren he did go And smiling unto Warren he said: "Oh, Warren, you have injured me to gratify your cause By reporting that I'd lost a legal wife. Now acknowledge that you've wronged me, before I break the law, Or I will deprive you of your life." Then Warren said to Fuller: "Your request must be denied; For my heart to your true love is bound. Oh! Fuller, I can say this is my wedding day In spite of all your heroes in town." Then Fuller, in a passion of love and anger bound, Which at length caused many for to sigh, With one fatal shot he killed Warren on the spot, And smiling said: "I'm ready now to die." Then Fuller was condemned by the honorable court Of Laurence burgeneers' [1] for to die, The ignominious death to hang above the earth Like Haman on the gallows so high. When the morning came that brave Fuller was to die, He smiled and bid the world adieu. Like aa angel he did stand, for he was a handsome man; On his breast he wore a ribbon of blue. Ten thousand spectators then smote upon their breasts, And the guards dropped a tear from their eye, Saying: "Cursed be she who has caused this miseree; In his stead she had ought for to die." But the mighty God of love looked in anger from above, And the rope flew asunder as the sands. Two doctors for their prey they did murder, we might say, For they hung him by the main strength of hand. But his body was buried, and the doctors lost their prey, And the lady deprived of her beau. And his spirit it exalted above the starry skies, While they silently lament their doom. Of all the ancient history that I can understsnd, Which we're bound by the scripture to believe, Bad women are essentially the downfall of man, As Adam was beguiled by Eve. So, young men, beware, be cautious and be wise Of such women when you're courting for wives. Look in Genesis, and Judges, and in Samuel, Kings, and Job, And the truth of the doctrine you'll find. For marriage is a lottery and few gain the prize That's both pleasing to the heart and to the eye. So those who never marry may well be called wise. So, gentlemen, excuse me; goodbye. note: Lawrenceburg is the county seat of Dearborn County; whst the other two syllables stand for I am at a loss to say. HMB From Ballads and Songs, Belden Collected from W.T. Street DT #704 Laws F16 RG oct96
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!