Pretty Peggy of Derby, O There was a regiment of Irish Dragoons, And they were (all quartered in) Derby, O. [all marching to] The Captain fell in love with a pretty chamber-maid, And her name it was called pretty Peggy, O. Oh! come down the stairs pretty (Peggy, my dear,) [Peggy, O] Oh, come down the stairs pretty Peggy O, O come down the stairs and comb back my hair And take the last farewell of your darling O. I tell you now as I told you before And for what should you teaze me any more What will your Mammy think when she hears (the Guineas clink), [you are sick] And the hautboys are playing before you go. A soldier's Wife I never will be, And a soldier shall never lay in bed with me, For I will make him stand with his hat in his hand When he stands in the presence of my company. Then spoke his brother, a stout young man, A valiant soldier as he was [incomplete, as was in the land? Saying, if she'll not go, we shall have sweethearts anew When we come to the Town of killarny O. [no cap.] When we come to the water that runs so clear That joins the town of Killarney O, The Captain did sigh and (say), [said] We are many miles away, Here's a health to the pretty Girl of Derby O. When they did come to the last town, The town they call Killarny O, His name was Captain Wade, & he died for a maid And he died for the pretty girl of Derby O. See note file WBO Apr98
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!