Digital Tradition Mirror

My Grandfather's Cock

My Grandfather's Cock

My grandfather's cock was too long for his pants [jock],
And it dragged several feet on the floor,
It was longer by half than the old man himself,
And it weighed near a hundredweight more.
     He'd a horn on the morn of the day he was born,
     It was always his pleasure and pride,
     But it dropped, shrank, never to rise again,
     When the old man died.

cho: Ninety years without cracking it,
     What a cock!  What a cock!
     He spent his life whacking it,
     What a cock!  What a cock!
     But it drooped, shrank, never to rise again,
     When the old man died.

My grandfather's cock was too long for his strides,
So he lent it to the woman next door,
She grabbed it by the point, and pulled it out of joint,
So he swore he'd never lend it anymore.
     He'd a horn on the morn of the day he was born,
     It was always his pleasure and pride,
     But it drooped, shrank, never to rise again,
     When the old man died.

Tune: My Grandfather's Clock

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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