Digital Tradition Mirror

The Hornet and the Peacock

The Hornet and the Peacock

Ye Demos, attend, and ye Federals, too
I'll sing you a song that you all know is true,
Concerning the Hornet, true stuff, I'll be bail
That rumpled the Peacock and lowered her tail.

cho: "Sing hubber, O bubber," cried Old Granny Wale,
     "The Hornet can tickle the British bird's tail,
     Her stings are all sharp and they'll pierce without fail.
     Success to our navy!" cried Old Granny Wale

This bird it was bred in the land of King George
Her feathers were fine and her tail very large;
She spread forth her wings like a ship in full sail
and prided herself in the size of her tail."

King George, he then says "To America go
The Hornet, the Wasp is the British king's foe.
Pick them up, my dear bird, spread your wings to the gale."
"But beware of those insects," cries Old Granny Wale.

Away flew this bird at the word of command,
Her flight was directed to freedom's own land;
The Hornet discovered her wings on the sail,
And quickly determined to tickle her tail.

So at it they went, it was both pick and sting,
The Hornet still working keen under her wing;
"American insects," quoth she, "I'll be bail,
will humble the king bird and tickle her tail."

The Peacock now mortally under her wing
Did feel the full force of the Hornet'e sharp sting;
She flattened her crest like a shoal on the whale,
Sunk down by her side and lower'd her tail.

Success to brave Lawrence, who well knew the nest
Where the Hornet and Wasp with honor still rest.
We'll send them a force, and with skill, I'll be bail,
We'll humble King George, and tickle his tail.

Note: Granny Wale is, as far as I can find out, a transliteration
of the Irish Granuaille, or Old Woman. RG


Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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