John J. Curtis My name is John J. Curtis, My age is twenty eight, I was born in Scuylkill County And there I met my fate. So now with your attention If you will be so kind, I will tell you of that fatal day That I was stricken blind. It was on a bright May morning, As the sun peeped o'er the hill, The little birds sang loud and sweet: I seem to hear them still; My heart was filled with purest joy As to the mines I did stray, To earn an honest living In the colliery of Morea. At eight o'clock I climbed the pitch, And to my work did go, I drilled two holes and loaded them- Touched one and fled below. It soon went off; I then went back To the one that did remain, When by its mouth it too went off And blew me down again. I lay there in the darkness; I was buried in the coal, The blood in streams ran down my cheeks; Great lumps o'er me did roll. When I got free, my cap and lamp Was all that I could find, And when I struck a match, 'twas then I knew that I was blind. Now kind folks, do have pity On whom you chance to find Wandering through your city, That in both eyes is blind; You know not when your day will come That this same path you'll stray, So be kind-hearted while you can To the miner from Morea. From Minstrels of the Mine Patch, Korson DT #711 Laws G29 RG oct96
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!