Digital Tradition Mirror

Hound Dog Song

Hound Dog Song

Ev'ry time I come to town
The boys keep kickin' my dawg aroun';
Makes no diff'rence if he is a houn',
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'.

Me an' Lem Briggs an' old Bill Brown
Took a load of corn to town;
My old Jim dawg, onery old cuss,
He just naturally follered us.

As we driv past Johnson's store
A passel of yaps come out the door;
Jim he scooted behind a box
With all them fellers a-throwin' rocks.

They tied a can to old Jim's tail
An' run him a-past the county jail;
That just naturally made us sore,
Lem he cussed an' Bill he swore.

Me an' Lem Briggs an' old Bill Brown
Lost no time a-gittin' down;
We wiped them fellers on the ground
For kickin' my old Jim dawg around.

Jim seen his duty there an' then,
He lit into them gentlemen;
He shore mussed up the courthouse square
With rags an' meat an' hide an' hair.

Every time I come to town
The boys keep kickin' my dawg aroun';
Makes no difference if he is a houn',
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'.

From  Ozark  Folksongs, Randolph. According to Randolph, this was
 very popular in the Ozarks during the 1912 Presidential campaign
 of Champ Clark.
Recorded by Golden Ring, Folk Legacy

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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