Little Maggie cho: Oh where is little Maggie? On yonder hill she stands, With her rifle crost her bosom And her dram-glass in her hand. Well the flowers were made for bloomin' And the sun was made for to shine Little girls were made for boys to love Little Maggie was made for wine. Sometimes I got a nickel, And sometimes I got a dime. Sometimes I've got five dollars For to pay little Maggie's fine. Oh how can I ever stand it? Jes' ta see them two blue eyes They're shinin' like some diamon' Like some diamon' in the skies. Well there stan's little Maggie With her dram glass in her han' She's drinkin' down her troubles And foolin' some other man. Oh where is little Maggie? On yonder hill she lies. With her rifle crost her bosom An' two pennies on her eyes. a version of this may be found in Hootenanny Tonight EL
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!