The Miller of Dee (Jolly Miller) 2 There was a jolly miller once Lived on the river Dee ; He work'd and sang from morn till night, No lark more blithe than he. And this the burden of his aong Forever used to be- I care for nobody, no, not I, If nobody cares for me. The reason why he was so blithe, He once did thus unfold- The bread I eat my hands have earn'd; I covet no man's gold ; I do not fear next quarter-day; In debt to none I be. I care for nobody, etc. A coin or two I've in my purse, To help a needy friend ; A little I can give the poor, And still have some to spend. Though I may fail, yet I rejoice, Another's good hap to see. I care for nobody, etc. So let us his example take, And be from malice free; Let every one his neighbour serve, As served he'd like to be. And merrily push the can about And drink and sing with glee; If nobody cares a doit for us, Why not a doit care we. From Popular Music of the Olden Time, Chappell Found (in 1857) writtten on a flyleaf of a 1716 collection of Dryden's poems. RG
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!