I'm a Rambler, I'm a Gambler C I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler, I'm a long way from home; And if you don't like me, just leave me alone. I'll eat when I 'm hungry , I'll drink when I'm dry, And if the whiskey don't kill me, I'll live till I die. If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck, I'd dive to the bottom and never come up. But the ocean ain't whiskey and I ain't no duck, So I'll play Jack of Diamonds and trust to my luck. Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, before me I see, You killed my granddaddy, now durn you, try me. Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry, If I don't get rye whiskey, I surely will die. An alternate last line goes: If a limb don't fall on me, I'll live till I die. WW Apr98
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!