Digital Tradition Mirror

Real Old Mountain Dew

Real Old Mountain Dew

Beside a hill there is a still,
Where the smoke runs up to the sky;
You ean always tell by the whiff and the smell
That the liquor boys are nigh.

            That the liquor boys are nigh,
            That the liquor boys are nigh,
            You ean always tell by the whiff and the smell,
            That the liquor boys are nigh.

This mountain dew is made from grain,
And mixed with water pure,
And the alcohol that it eontains
Will all your troubles cure.

           Will all your troubles cure,
           Will all your troubles cure,
           And the alcohol that it contains
           Will all your troubles eure.

AII learned men who use the pen
Have writ its praises high;
It fills the air with perfume rare
Distilled with wheat and rye.

Distilled with wheat and rye,

Distilled with wheat and rye,

It fills the air with perfume rare

Distilled with wheat and rye.

Away with pills,'twill cure the ills
Of Pagan, Christian and Jew,
Off with your coat and wet your throat
With the real old mountain dew.

With the real old mountain dew,

With the real old mountain dew,

Off with your coat and wet your throat

With the real old mountain dew.

So before we roll won't you have another bowl
Of the good old mountain dew?
Of the good old mountain dew?
Of the good old mountain dew?

Of the good old mountain dew?

Of the good old mountain dew?

So before we roll won't you have another bowl

Of the good old mountain dew?


From American Ballads and Folk Songs, Lomax
Recorded by Patrick Galvin, Clancys

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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