Night Visiting Song The time has come, I can no longer tarry This morning's tempest I must shortly brave To cross the moors and high towering mountains Until I'm in the arms of the one I love And when he came to his true love's dwelling He knelt down gently upon a stane And whispered softly into the window "Does my own true love lie there alane?" She lifted her head from off her down-white pillow She's lifted the blankets from off her breast And raised herself up onto an elbow "Who's that disturbing me from my night's rest?" "It's I, it's I, it's I, your own true lover Oh open the door, love and let me in For I am wet love, and also wearied For I am wet love, into the skin" She raised herself up with the greatest of pleasure She's raised her up and she's let him in And all night long they rolled in each other's arms Until the long night was past and gone And when the long night was past and over And when the small cocks began to crow He shook her hand, aye, they've kissed and parted He's saddles and mounted and away did go recorded by Norman Kennedy see also Are you sleeping Maggie SOF
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!