Rap-Tap-Tap So come all ye farmer's servant-men That are both stout and bold And If you do as I have done You will never catch any cold For when my master goes abroad For to view the fields so gay I goes to the door with my RAP-TAP-TAP O let it be night or day. 'Twas every Thursday morning My master to market did go. He asked me to mind his bus-i-ness As servants often do. As soon as my master's back was turned I went toddling out of the barn And went up to the door with my RAP-TAP-TAP For sure I thought no harm. O no harm at all, my mistress said And she asked me to come in. When I complained of the belly-ache She gave to me some gin. I took it and I drank it down But not a word did I say, For she knew that I'd come with my RAP-TAP-TAP So upstairs we went straightway. O there we lay in sport and play For half an hour or more. My mistress she was so fond of the sport I thought she'd never give o'er O you've won my heart forever, Jack Your master's no man for me For he can't come with his RAP-TAP-TAP Not half as well as thee. So when my master did come home O he asked me what I had done. I told him I'd minded his bus-i-ness Just as well as if he was at home. He gave to me some beer to drink But not one word did he know That I'd been there with my RAP-TAP-TAP If he had he'd a never done so. RG
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!