Digital Tradition Mirror

Rolling Home 3

Rolling Home 3

Call all hands to man the capstan
See the cable flaked down clear.
Heave away, and with a will, boys,
For ol' England we will steer.

     Rolling home, rolling home
     Rolling home across the sea,
     Rolling home to dear ol' England
     Rolling home, fair land to thee.

Now Australia we are leavin'
For Old England give a cheer,
Fare thee well, ye dark-eyed damsels
Give three cheers for English beer!

Goodbye Heads, we're bound to leave you
Haul the tow=rope all inboard,
We will leave old Aussie sternward
Clap all sail we can afford.

Round Cape Horn on a winter's morning
Now among the ice and snow,
You will hear our shellbacks singin'
Sheet her home, boys, let 'er go!

WIghteen months away from England
Only fifty days, no more,
On salt horse and cracker-hash, boys
Boston beans that mke us sore.

Now the Lizard Light's a-shinin'
And we're bound up to the Nore,
With the canvas full an' drawin'
Soon we'll be on England's shore.

From Songs of the Sea, Hugill


Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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