Digital Tradition Mirror

Sarah Jane

Sarah Jane

Around and round the Wurtsboro bend
The big boat chased the squeezer,
Pat Flax's boat had passed them both
Slicker than the weasel.
Slicker than the weasel.

There was a girl named Sarah Jane,
And a youth named Samuel.
They courted long and happily,
On the D & H Canal,
On the D & H Canal.

They loved each other tenderly,
And the Rosendale folks all said.
That ere the boating season was o'er,
These love-eye-ers would wed,
These love-eye-ers would wed.

But they never did, for he succumbed,
To hard times, and his lifeless body,
Was buried six feet beneath the sod,
Along the twelve-mile level,
Along the twelve-mile level.

And ere her lover was dead one week,
She started keeping comp'ny,
With a junk dealer that did live,
Up back in Rondout,
Up back in Rondout.

From The Canaller's Songbook, Hullfish
Collected from Harry Siemsen
tune is slight modification of Pop Goes the Weasel

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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