Digital Tradition Mirror

There Was a Goose

There Was a Goose

     There was a goose,
     They ca'd it Luce,
     Was paidlin in a pool-ie;
     By came a tod,
     Wi' mony a nod,
     And bade it till its Yool-ie.

     He took her hame,
     And [made her warm],
     And put her on a stoolie;
     He singet her claes,
     And burnt her claes,
     And gar'd her look like a fool-ie!

     Chambers PRS 1847, 186.  Montgomerie SNR (1946), 24 (11)
     has differs 1.3 It was 1.6 An bad her tell her Yule-y.
     2.2 de-expurgated as warmed her wame 2.6 made.
     MacLennan SNR (1909), 58 [Geuse . . . Leuce/ Was omitted
     / the Tod/ her . . . his/ 2.2 repeats 2.1/ set her/ 2.4-
     5 He clippit her claes, an' pared her taes].


Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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