Wash Weel the Fresh Fish Wash weel the fresh fish, wash weel the fresh fish, Wash weel the fresh fish, An' skim weel the bree, For there's mony a foul-fitted thing, mony a foul-fitted thing, Mony a foul-fitted thing, I' the saut sea. I'll catch the white fish, I'll catch the white fish, I'll catch the white fish. To please my lassie's ee; But the bonny black-backit fish, the bonny black-backit fish, The bonny black-backit fish Has aye the sweetest bree. ________________________________________________________ Paul Past & Present of Aberdeenshire (1881), 152 (no. 18) [lines regularised]; Rymour Club Misc. III (1928), 184; Nicht at Eenie (1932), 15; Montgomerie SNR (1946), 39 (no. 25). Cf. a rhymed saying/proverb from the Mintlaw district of Buchan, in Rymour Club Misc. II (1912-19), 16: "Wash weel your fresh fish, and scum weel your bree;/ For there's mony a foul-fitted beast swims in the sea." MS APR99
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!