Digital Tradition Mirror

The Yellow Ross of Texas

[GIF Score]

(This score available as ABC, SongWright, PostScript, PNG, or PMW, or a MIDI file)
Pennywhistle notation and Dulcimer tab for this song is also available

The Yellow Ross of Texas
(Joe Ellis; tune trad.)

 He came from out of nowhere, he gave us quite a thrill
 He had a pile of money, and he said he'd do our will
 He said that he could fix things, as fast as you-know-what,
         C                         D7                  G
 But the Yellow Ross of Texas ran away when things got hot!

      He's the Yellow Ross of Texas, his campaign was sublime.
      Spent other people's money, they volunteered their time.

      A political outsider, a novice at the craft.
         C                            D7             G
      He rode his elevator out, and his people got the shaft!

 He thought he'd play the spoiler, the third man in the race.
 His motives were as pure and plain as the ears upon his face,
 But when they put the pressure on with questions from the press,
 He gathered up his marbles and went back to old Texas!

      He's the Yellow Ross of Texas, his campaign was sublime.
      Spent other people's money, they volunteered their time.
      But when it came to push and shove, he couldn't take the heat,
      So he packed it in and left his poor supporters in the street!

 He said he had a vict'ry plan to steer our ship of state,
 But ev'ry time folks asked him, he would just procrastinate!
 He ran a high-tech campaign with those ears and silly grin,
 And damn near played the country like a two buck violin!

      He's the Yellow Ross of Texas, his campaign was sublime.
      Spent other people's money, they volunteered their time.
      There's three things to remember, when Ross is on the scene:
      Don't drop the soap, don't pick it up, and bring your Vaseline!

      He's the Yellow Ross of Texas, his campaign was sublime.
      Spent other people's money, they volunteered their time.
      A political outsider, a novice at the craft.
      He rode his elevator out, and his people got the shaft!

Copyright Joe Ellis

Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!

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