@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 100 key C time 4/4 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "Don't you see de black clouds Ri-sin' o-ber yon-der, Whar de Mas-sa's old" e'-. f'=; g'- e'-; c' g | a-. b=; c'- d'-; c' a | g-. f=; e- g-; c'- "plan-ta-tion am? Ne-ber you be frigh-ten'd Dem is on-ly dar-kies, Come" d'-; e'- c'- | D'. r | e'-. f'=; g'- e'-; c' g | a-. b=; c'- d'-; c' a | g-. "to jine and fight for Un-cle Sam. Look out dar, now! We's a-gwine to" f=; e- g-; c'- d'-; e'- d'- | C'. r- e'- | f' e' e' r | e'-. d'=; d'- d'-; "shoot! Look out dar, don't you un-der stand? (oh don't you know dat) Ba-" d' r- g'- | g' e' e'- e'-; c'- c'- | d' r- a`-; g`- f`-; e`- d`- | e'-. "by-lon is fal-len, Ba-by-lon is fal-len, An' we's a-gwine to oc-cu-" f'=; g'- e'-; c' g | a-. b=; c'- d'-; c' a-. a= | g-. f=; e- g-; c'-. d'=; "py de land! " e'- d'- | [nocheck] C'. r | [endstave]