@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 100 key F time 2/2 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "As we marched down to Fen-na-ri-o, As we" [nocheck] c-; | f f d c-. c=; | [time 2/4] d. f-; | [time 2/2] C. r- f- | a "marched down to Fen-na-ri-o,= Our cap-tain fell in love with a" c' c' a- g- | a- c'- C'_ c'- c'- | d'- d'- c'- c'-; a. f= f=; | [time 2/4] "la-dy like a dove, They called her by name, pret-ty Peg-" c'- c'-; a- f-; | [time 2/2] D. r- f- | f f- f-; d. c= c=; | [time 2/4] d. "gy, O " f-; | [time 2/2] [nocheck] C. r- || [endstave]