@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 120 key C time 2/4 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "An old cow-poke went ri-din' out one dark and win-dy day, Up-on" [nocheck] e-; | a- a-; a- b- | c'- c'-; c'- a- | g- a-; g- e- | g. a- | e- "a ridge he res-ted as he went a-long his way; when all at once a" a-; a- b- | c'- b-; c'- d'- | e'- e'-; e'- c'- | e'. e'- | e'- a'-; a'- a'- "migh-ty herd of red-eyed cows he saw, A-plow-in through the rag-ged" | a'- e'-; e'- e'- | e'- e'-; e'- c'- | a r- a- | f- f-; f- f- | c'- c'-; "skies.= And up a clou-dy draw. Yip-pee-yi-yay,= Yip-" c'_ | c' r- c'- | c'- a-; a- a- | a. r- | e'- e'-; e'- g'-_ | g' r | a'- "pee-yi-o= The ghost herd in the #= " a'-; a'- a'-_ | e' r- e- | f f | c'. c'- | A_ | [nocheck] a r- || [endstave]