@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 100 key C time 3/4 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "My heart's in= the= High-lands, My heart= is not here. My=" [nocheck] g | c' c'-._ e'=; d'-._ c'= | a a c' | g._ c'-; a-. g= | e. d-_; c "heart's in the High-lands= a-cha-sing the= deer, A-= cha-= sing" | d e c' | g. f-_; e- d- | c c' c'-._ e'= | C' c'-._ d'= | e'-._ d'=; e'- "the wild= deer and= fol-low-ing the roe,= My=" f'-; e'-_ d'- | c'. b-_; a | g. c'-; a- g- | e._ d-; [slur] e= d= "= heart's in the High-= lands= where-= ev-er I= go! Fare-" c- [endslur] | d e c' | g-._ a=; e-._ g=; d-._ e= | c c' c'-._ d'= | C' g | "well= to the== High-lands, Fare-=" c'-_ d'-; e' [slur] e'- f'= g'= [endslur] | e'. d'-; [slur] e'= d'= "= well to the North,= The birth-= place= of= val-" c'- [endslur] | a g a | a'._ g'-; e' | g'-_ a'-; g'-_ f'-; e'-_ d'- | e'-_ "= our,= the= coun-try of= worth!= Where-ev-= er=" f'-; e'-_ d'-; c'-_ b- | a d' d'-._ f'= | d'._ c'-; a | c'-_ b-; c'-_ d'-; "I= wan-der, where-ev-= er= I= roam,= The=" e'-_ f'- | g'. a'-; g' | a'-_ g'-; f'-_ e'-; d'-_ c'- | c'._ e'-; d'-_ c'- | "hills of= the High-= lands= for-= ev-er I= love!" a. g-_; a- c'- | g-._ a=; e-._ g=; d-._ e= | c c' c'-._ d'= | [nocheck] C' || [endstave]