@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 140 key G time 4/4 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "I'm a board-er and I dwell in that se-cond rate hot-tel, If I stay here" R d d | b b a g | B b- b. | a- g. g e | g r g- g. | b b "long I think I'll go in-sane; For I lay here on my bunk, and I can-not" b b | d'- d'. b- g. | A. r | R d'- d'. | b b a g | B b- b. | a- g. "reach my trunk, And the board I pay would break a mil-lion-aire. Oh they" g e | g r g. a- | b d' b g | a. d-; e f | G. r | R g g | "feed on chick-en pie, If you eat it, you will die. The meat you can-not" c' c' c'- c'. | C' c'. c'- | b- b. b a | G. g | a a a- a. | "cut it with a sword; Oh there's un-der-tak-ers hang-in' round, for" e'- e'. d'- #c'. | D'. r | R d' d' | e'- d'-; d'- d'-; d'- d'. | B b- "there's good work to be found At the all-go-hung-ry hash-house where I" b. | a g g e | G g a | b d' b g | a d e f | "board. " G. r | [nocheck] R+ | [endstave]