@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 100 key F time 6/8 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "I'm an I-rish-man born= in loy-al Bel-fast, And= ma-ny" [nocheck] g= g=; | a- d- d-; d-_ c'- e- | e- d- d-; d d'=_ e'= | f'- e'- "bright years, boys, in it I have passed, In my boy-hood days when I first" d'-; e'- d'- c'- | a- $b- c'-; d' d'- | e'- d'- c'-; d'- c'- a- | g- "went to school, that's the place where I heard of thr sub-ject Home Rule. " f- e-; f g= g= | a- d- d-; d- c'- e- | [nocheck] e- e- d-; d || [endstave]