@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 100 key E time 4/4 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "Well met, well= met, my own true= love. And ve-ry well met said he; I" R r b` | e d-_ e-; f a | g f-_ d-; b`. g- | b b- g-; a c' | B. e- "have just re-turned from the salt, salt= sea, And it's all for= the sake" g- | b. g-; a b- c'- | b g-_ e-; f b`-. b`= | e f=_ g= a-; g "of thee. " f | [nocheck] E. r | [endstave]