@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 174 key C time 4/4 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "You're gon-na have= to share me with Tex-as. You're gon-na have" [nocheck] g | e'- e'-; g'_ g' e' | A' e' %d' | e' c' R | R r g | a- c'-; c'_ "= to let me take my time;== From the hon-ky tonks=" c' c' | c' c' d' e' | [slur] c'- a-; g [endslur] R | R g g | a- c'-; c'_ c' "in Dal-las,= To the banks of the Per-de-na-les,= Wher-e-ver that coun-try" a | c' a_ a c'- c'- | e' g'- g'-; g' e' | a' e'_ e' e' | d'- d'-; d' d'- c'. "two-lane road= may wind.=== You're gon-na have=" | e' e' e'-_ d'-; c' | [slur] b- a-; g G [endslur] | R r g | e'- e'-; g'_ g' "to leave me to the wild-flow-ers When I can't get that high-way off my" e' | a' g' e' d' | E' c' c' | R g g | A c' c' | c' c' d' #d' | "mind;== You're gon-na have= to share me with Tex-as= 'Cause" E'_ E'_ | D' r r- %g- | a- a-; c'_ c' a | #D' %d' c' | g' e'_ E' | R r e' | "I can't leave Tex-as be-hind.=== I do, love" D' e' g' | A' e' d' | [slur] e'- d'-; c' C' [endslur] | R D' | A R | R E' | "you,== And Babe, you know I'll al-ways be true. Just as" [slur] c'- a-; g [endslur] R | R r g | d' d' d' d' | E' d' c' | D' R | R g g "long as I can wan-der= in the mea-dow= down yon-der= When that hill coun-" | a c' c' a | c' a_ a g- g- | e' g'_ g' a' | a' e'_ e'- d'-; c' | D' d' "try moon comes shi-nin' through. You're(etc) " d' | e' d' a' #g' | %G'+ | [nocheck] R r g || [endstave]