@ Generated more or less automatically by swtopmw by Erich Rickheit KSC heading "" breakbarlines underlaysize 9.5 notespacing *1.1 justify top left right stavespacing 1/64 systemgap 64 playtempo 100 key E$ time 2/4 [stave 1 treble 1 text underlay ulevel -25] "Sis-ter Su-sie's sew-ing in the kit-chen on a Sin-ger, There's miles and" b- c'-; b- g- | b- c'-; b- g- | b- c'-; b- a- | g- b b- | c'- d'-; "miles of flan-nel on the floor and up the stairs, And fa-ther says it's" c'- a- | c'- d'-; c'- a- | c'- d'-; c'- a- | f. g- | b- c'-; b- g- | "rot-ten get-ting mixed up in the cot-tonn And sit-ting on the nee-dles" b- c'-; b- c'- | d'- c'-; b- g- | f- d' g- | g- %a-; b- c'- | d'- b-; "that she leaves up-on the chairs. And should you knock at our street" g- f- | b- b-; c'- f- | b. b- | c'- a-; a- b- | a- a-; "door, Ma whis-pers ``Come in-side'' Then when you ask where Su-sie is," c'- c'- | c'- f-; f- g- | a. a- | %a- #g-; a- g- | %a- b-; c'- "she says with lo-ving pride: Sis-ter Su-sie's sew-ing shirts for sol-" d'- | e'- c'-; g- a- | B | e'- d'-; c'- d'- | e'- d'-; c'- b- | A | "diers, Such skill at sew-ing shirts our shy young sis-ter Su-sie shows!" g. g- | g- f-; %e- f- | g- f-; %e- f- | g- f-; %e- f- | c'. "Some sol-diers send e-pis-tles, say they'd ra-ther sleep in thi-stles" c'- | d'- c'-; b- c'- | d'- b-; c'- d'- | e'- d'-; c'- b- | a- g-; "than the sau-cy soft short shirts for sol-diers sis-ter Su-sie sews." #f- g- | d'- d'-; %b- c'- | d'- c'-; %b- c'- | g- b-; g- f- | [nocheck] e r | [endstave]