N-AGHADOE C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-3/4 F- H- M-5R-2 D-9 F-0 G-5 a#8 a%9 G-0 G-4_F-4 G-9 a-0 a#4_d-4 d-8 c-0_a-0 a#4 R-4 G-9 a%0 L- There's a glen in Ag- ha- doe, Ag- ha- doe, Ag-ha- doe, There's a H- M-5b-5 b-8 a-8 b-8 d-5 c-8 b-8 a-0_G-0 a-4 R-4 a#9 a%0 G-5 F%8 D-8 F#8 G-4 R-4 g-9 f-0 L- deep and se-cret glen in Ag- ha- doe Where we met, my love and I love's fair H- M-5e-8 d-5 b-8 a-0_G-0 E-4 R-8 G-8 a-4 b-5 b-8 e-8 d-0_b-0 a-5 G-0_b-0 a-9 G-0 G-4 R-4 d-8 e-0_f-0 L- pla- net in the sky, In that deep and si- lent glen in Ag- ha- doe. There's a H- M-5g-5 f-8 e-9 d-0 d-4_b-4 d-9 e-0 e-4_d-4 d-9 b-0 d-4 R-4 d-8 e-0_f%0 f%5 e-8 d-8 c-8 L- glad in Ag- ha- doe , Ag- ha-doe, Ag- ha- doe There's a deep and se- cret H- M-5c-5 c-8 a-9 c#0 d-4 R-4 a#9 a%0 G-5_F%8 D-9 F#0 G-2 g-8 f-8 e-4 d-4 b-8 a-0_G-0 L- glade in Ag- ha-doe. Where I hid from the eyes of the Red- coats and their H- M-4E-4 R-4 G-8_a-8 b-5 b-8 e-8 d-0_b-0 a-5 G-0_b-0 a-9 G-0 G-4 R-2 S-6 L- spies, The year the trou-bles came to Ag- ha-doe.