N-Aly Croaker 1 C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- M-5D-8 S-6 D-4 G-4 G-5 a-8 G-8_F-8 G-9 a-0 G-5 G-8 a-5 b-8 a-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-5 G-8 S-6 L- There liv'd a man in Bal- li- no- cra- zy He wan- ted a wife to make un- ea- H- M-4a-2 S-6 D-4 G-9 G-0 G-5 a-8 G-8 F-8 G-9 a-0 G-4 G-8 G-8 b-5 c-8 d-4 d-8_c-8 L- sy; Long had he sighed for his dear Al- ly Croa-ker, And thus the gen- tle H- M-1b-5 c-8 d-5 d-8 e-4 d-4 c-5 b-8 c-5 b-8 a-5 b-8 c-4 b-8 c-8 d-5 G-8 L- youth be- spoke her, "Will you H- M-4F-5 G-8 a-5 D-8 G-5 F#8 E-5 D-8 E-4 D-8 C-8 D-5 c-8 b-4 c-8 d-8 a-4 b-8 c-8 L- Will you mar- ry me dear Al- ley7 H- M-1F-2 G-5 S-6 S-6 L- Croa- ker.