N-Annachie Gordon C- A- T- S-100 K-D B-4/4 F-Child #239 H- M-1F-8 F-5_F-4 a-4 F-8 F-5 F-8_E-8 D-4 F-2 F-4 a-4 a-2 R-8 a-8 b-4 L- Bu- chan is bon- nie oh and there lies my love. And my H- M-1b-2 b-4 a-4 F-8_E-8 D-2 F-4 F-2 d-4 c-4 b-3 f-4 L- heart it lies on him it will not re- move. It H- M-1f-2 g-4 f-4 e-2 f-8_e-8_d-4 d-5 d-8 d-8_c-8 b-4 a-3 b-4 L- will not re- move for all that I have done. Oh H- M-4b-8 b-5_b-4 d-4 F-8_E-8 D-8 D-5 F-4 F-2 d-8 c-8 b-4_b-3 f-4 L- nev- er will I for- get my love An- na- chie. For H- M-4f-2 g-4 f-4 e-8 e-5 f-4 e-4 d-8 d-5 d-8_c-8 b-4 a-2 R-8 b-8 b-4 L- An- na- chie Gor- don oh he's Bon- nie and he's braw. He'd en- H- M-4b-2 b-4 c-4 d-2 d-8_c-8 b-8_a-8 e-2 f-4 e-4 d-2 F-4 G-8_a-8 L- tice an- y wo- man that ev- er him saw. He'd en- H- M-4a-2 d-8 d-5 e-8 e-5_e-4 e-8_d-8 e-5 d-8 d-4 F-4 a-3 b-4 L- tice an- y wo- man and so he has done me. Oh H- M-4b-8 b-5_b-4 a-4 F-8_E-8 D-8 D-5 F-4 F-2 d-8 c-8 b-4_b-3 R-4 L- nev- er will I for- get my love An- na- chie.