N- Crooked Trail to Holbrook (Arizon-i-o) C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-2/4 F- H- C M-1E-8 S-6 G-9 G-0 G-9 F-0 E-4 C-9 C-0 D-7 D-7 D-7 E-8 E-8 C-5 @-8 C-9 D-0 E-9 F-0 G-9 E-0 D-9 C-0 D-9 D-0 D-9 E-0 D-5 S-6 L- Come all you jol-ly cow- boys who fol-low the bron-co steer, I'll sing to you a verse or two your spi-rits for to cheer, H- M-9@-8 S-6 C-9 D-0 E-9 F-0 G-9 E-0 D-9 C-0 F-9 C-0 F-9 G-0 a-4 F-9 F-0 G-9 G-0 G-9 a-0 G-4 C-9 D-0 E-9 E-0 D-9 D-0 C-5 S-6 S-6 L- I'll tell you all a- bout a trip that I did un-der-go On the croo-ked trail to Hol-brook in A- ri-zo- ni-o.