N-The Arsenic Tragedy C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-6/8 F- H- M-6D-8 S-6 D-4 D-8 F-4 G-8 a-8 F-8 G-8_G-4 a-8 F-4 D-8 E-4 C#8 D-5_D-4 F-8 a-4 G-8 b-4 a-8 L- Come lis- ten to my tra- ge-dy, good peo- ple young and old. It's of a dread- ful H- M-5d-8_b-4 c%4 b-8 a-4 D-8 c-4 b-8 a-5_a-4 F-8 a-4 G-8 b-4 a-8 d-8_b-4 c-4 D-8 L- sto- ry to you I will un- fold, Con- cer- ning a fair dam- sel, Miss H- M-5D-4_G-8 c-4 b-8 a-5_a-4 D-0 D-0 D-4 D-8 F-4 G-8 a-8_F-8 G-8_G-4 a-8 F-4 D-8 E-4 C#8 L- Wires was her name, She was mur- dered by her hus- band, And he hung for the H- M-1D-5_D-4 S-6 S-6 L- same.