N-Lord Randall C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-4/4 F- H- M-5G-9_b-0 S-6 d-4 d-8 d-0_d-=_b-= b-4 b-9_a-0 G-4 G-8 G-8 G-4 G-4 G-4 G-9_a-0 b-8 d-4 D-8 D-4 D-8 D-8 S-6 L- Where were you all day, my own pret-ty boy? Where were you all day, my heart's lo- ving H- M-4D-4 d-9 e-0 S-6 g-4 g-8 g-= e-=_e-0_e-8 d-4 b-0 a-0 G-4 G-8 d-0_d-=_e-= g-4 h-4 g-4 g-8 g-= e-0_e-=_e-8_d-4 b-0 a-0 L- joy? I was fi- shing and fow-ling mo-ther make my bed soon, I'm sick to my heart and I H- M-1G-4 G-8 G-8 G-4 S-6 S-6 L- want to lie down.