N-The Barley and the Rye C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-3/4 F- H- M-5G-9_E-0 S-6 F-9 E-0 C-9_C-0 B-9 G-0 G-9_a-0 b-4 a-9 G-0 F-9 E-0 C-4 B-9_C-0 C-2 B-9 B-0 L- It's of an old coun- try far- mer who lived in the West coun- try. And he H- M-5B-9 B-0 C-9 C-0 c-4 b-9 a-0 G-4 F-9_E-0 F-9 F-0 b-4 a-4 G-2 C-9 D-0 E&9_E-0 c-4 c-9 c-0 L- had the pret-ti-est lit- tle wife that e- ver I did see, And a young man came a- H- M-5b-9 a-0 G-4 G-9 a-0 b-9_a-0 F-9 F-0 E-9 F-0 G-9_a-0_b-2_b-2 a-9_G-0 F-9_E-0 C-9 C-0 B-9 G-0 L- cour- ting her when the old man he was- n't nigh And oft- times they'd take a H- M-3G-9_a-0 b-9 b-0 a-9 G-0 F-9_E-0 C-4 B-9 C-0 C-2 S-6 S-6 L- tum- ble a- mongst the bar- ley and the rye.