N-Bessy Bell C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-6/8 F-Bronson A H- M-1G-8 S-6 E-9_F-0 G-8 G-9_a-0 b-8 a-9_G-0 a-8 F-4 F-8 E-9_F-0 G-8 G-9_a-0 G-8 c-5 e-4 G-8 E-9_F-0 G-8 G-9_a-0 b-8 L- O Bes- sie Bell and Ma- ry Gray, They are twa bon- ny las- ses, They bigg'd a bow'r on H- M-1a-9_G-0 F-8 f-4 d-8 g-4_f-0 e-0 f-4_e-0 d-0 c-5 e-4 g-8 e-9_d-0 e-8 c-9_d-0 e-8 f-8_d-8 b-8 d-8_e-8 f-8 L- yon burn- brae, And theek'd it o'er wi' rash- es. Fair Bes- sy Bell I loo'ed yes- treen, And H- M-5g-8_e-8 c-8 c-9_d-0 c-8 e-5 f-4 e-0_f-0 g-8_e-8 c-8 e-8_f-8 g-8 f-8_d-8 b-8 d-8_e-8 f-8 g-4_f-0 e-0 f-4_e-0 d-0 L- Thought I ne'er could al- ter, But Ma- ry Gray's twa paw- ky Een They gar my fan- cy H- M-1c-5 e-4 S-6 S-6 L- fal- ter.