N-The Blarismoor Tragedy C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-4/4 F- H- M-1C-4 S-6 F-5 G-8 F-4 E-4 D-2 C-4 R-8 c-8 c-5 a-8 d-8_c-8 b-8_G-8 a-5_F-8 D-4 S-6 L- Oh, Lord! Grant me di- rec- tion To sing this foul trans- ac- tion H- M-1E-4 S-6 F-5 E-8 F-4 G-4 a-4 F-4 d-4_c-4 b-4 a-4 F-4 G-4 W-2 F-2 R-4 C-4 L- WHich cau- ses sad re- flec- tion Late done at Bla- ris- moor. By H- M-4F-5 G-8 F-4 E-4 D-2 C-4 R-8 c-8 c-5 a-8 d-8_c-8 b-8_G-8 a-5_F-8 D-4 S-6 L- wic- ked Colo- nel Bar- ber Should I pro- ceed much fur- ther, H- M-5E-4 S-6 F-5 E-8 F-4 G-4 a-4 F-4 d-4_c-4 b-4 a-4 F-4 G-4 W-2 F-2 R-2 L- And call his con- duct mur- der 'Twere trea- son I am sure. H- M-4d-4 e-8 a-8 d-4 e-4 f-2 c-4 f-4 e-4 f-8_e-8 d-8_c-8 d-8_e-8 d-5_c-8 a-4 c-4 L- Bel- fast may well re- mem- ber When ty- rants in their splen- dour, In H- M-4d-4 a-4 d-4 e-4 f-2 c-4 f-4 e-4 f-8_e-8 d-8_c-8 d-8_e-8 d-2 R-4 F-7_a-7_c-7 L- all their pomp and gran- deur they hoist them on a car WHile H- M-4d-4 a-4 d-8_f-8 e-8_g-8 f-2 c-4 f-8_e-8 d-4 c-4 b-4 a-4 a-5 F-8_D-4 E-4 L- ca- val- ry were pran- cing And in- fan- try ad- van- cing And H- M-4F-5 E-8 F-4 G-4 a-4_F-4 d-4 c-4 b-4 a-4 F-4 G-4 F-2 R-4 S-6 S-6 L- glit- t'ring ar- mour glan- cing All in the pomp of war.