N-Bloody Waterloo C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- M-1R-2 R-4 D-9 E-0 G-5 G-8 E-4 D-4 c-8 a-2 E-8 G-9 F-0 D-9 D-0 D-2 R-8 b-0_c-0 L- Was a la- dy was a- wal- kin A-lang the banks o Clyde, The H- M-4d-9 d-0 e-8 d-8 c-0 b-8 a-0_a-8 R-0 F-0 G-4 a-8 c-0 b-9 a-4 b-0_c-0 d-9 d-0 e-4 d-8 c-0_b-8 a-8 F-0 G-4 a-8 c-0 b-9 d-4 a-0 b-0 L- tears ran doon her ro-sy cheeks as I passed by her side. I saw her bo- som heav- ing, her voice was low and true, She wis H- M-3c-0 b-8 a-0_a-5 G-8 a-0 d-9 a-8 R-8 E-8 G-4 F-8 D-9 D-0 D-2 R-2 S-6 L- weep-in for her Wil-lie lad, who sailed for Wa- ter-loo.